Thursday, October 8, 2009

Free Brimmed Hat Beanie Giveaway!

Since it's the month of Halloween I want to know everyone's scary stories! Tell me the scariest thing that has ever happened to you. I will draw one winner out of a pumpkin! By the way you can choose what color and size you want the beanie in. Thanks for playing and good luck!


  1. Oh I'm glad I follow your blog!
    The scariest thing that has happened to me was when I was about 8 years old. I woke up in the middle of the night because I honestly felt someone sharply push on my shoulders. I was too scared to move or make any noise. To this day I can still feel the pressure on my shoulders, but I can't prove it because I didn't have the guts to look around. How's that for a scary story?

  2. This isn't an entry, just wanted to say it's scary how adorable and precious that little angel is.

  3. I saw your hats on Etsy and thought they were so cute!!! The scariest thing that ever happened to me- once I got locked in the trunk of a car at night and it took my mom an hour or so to find me!

  4. saw your hats on etsy, so cute! the middle of the night at our first house, in a not so great neighborhood,we heard glass break and naturally thought someone was breaking in a window. Husband tosses me the can of mase and he gabs the gun (we are in TX after all),we search in the dark house, me clinging to my husbands back and we found nothing. Turns out the mirror jumped off the mantle...but man were those few minutes scary.

  5. The scariest thing that's ever happened to me... I was driving with my little brother in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. We were on country roads. I came to an intersection and there was a woman standing there in the middle of the road holding a stop sign. She looked sooo scary, and I got the creepiest/scariest feeling that I was NOT supposed to stop. What is a woman doing in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night doing there?? I slowed a little and kept on driving. My heart was beating so fast and the adrenaline was pumping through my body. It still creeps me out to this day.
